Exploring Medical Terminology

World-Class Textbooks
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Exploring Medical Language
Master medical terms on your terms! A combination text/workbook, Exploring Medical Language, 11th Edition, provides exercises that make it easy to build an understanding of medical terminology. Organized by body system, medical terms are divided into two categories:
1) Words built from word parts, and
2) Words NOT built from word parts.
Fun and engaging exercises help you learn word parts and then learn how to combine the parts into full medical terms that make sense.

Basic Medical Language
Build the foundation you need to confidently communicate with your healthcare team! Basic Medical Language, 7th Edition makes it easy to master the medical terminology needed for success in the health professions. This concise text helps you learn and recognize hundreds of medical terms by introducing the suffixes and prefixes and combining forms used in building words.
Six Reasons to Use These Textbooks
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Content Quality

Clarity and Readability

Supplemental Materials

Alignment with The Real World

Student Engagement

Medical Terminology Blog
Our mission is to provide textbooks to help you teach medical terminology!
Mission Statement
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Our Academic Vision

If you teach medical terminology consider using texhbooks that have been used in classrooms for over 40 years.

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